Scottish Wedding Music Advice | A typical Wedding Schedule In Scotland

The Jiggers Scottish ceilidh band have played well over 1000 weddings in venues across Scotland. We’ve written this blog post as a guide for brides and grooms who are planning their wedding day schedule, and looking for a bit of Scottish wedding music advice. Of course, you don’t have to do it this way. We’re always very flexible: it’s your Big Day, after all!



Every wedding is different, and while timings vary significantly, the majority tend to follow a rough pattern, as in the following example. We’ve factored in some gaps which usually get filled with travelling to/from your wedding reception venue.

CEREMONY 2.30-3.15pm  [need musicians? e.g. singer/harpist… call us for this!]

PHOTOGRAPHS 3.30-4.30pm

DRINKS RECEPTION 3.30-4.30pm  [we can provide e.g. string quartet for background music]

MEAL( inc speeches) 5.30 – 7.30 pm [we can provide PA/microphone…or consider our background pianist]

COMFORT BREAK 7.30 -8.00pm

CAKE CUTTING & photos 8.00pm

FIRST DANCE (cd or band) 8.10pm

EVENING ENTERTAINMENT (ceilidh) 8.15 -9.45pm

EVENING BUFFET 9.45 – 10.15pm


TAXIS etc 12 midnight

We recommend an 8 or 8.15 start for the ceilidh, as this usually allows the guests a comfort break to mingle while the room is ‘turned around’ (if required) and the band set up and sound-check.

If you have invited evening guests, it’s usually good form to say 7.30 on the invitation, so that they have time to arrive and be welcomed before the dancing begins around 8.00.

The Jiggers ceilidh band usually require 1 hour to set up and sound-check, depending on the ease of access to the venue. If the room where the dancing takes place can be vacated for the duration of the set-up, then that greatly speeds our set up.

It is also useful if the guests are invited into the room AFTER the band have had a chance to sound-check, if at all possible.

Our set up is always as quick and discrete as possible.

Please contact us should you wish to discuss our setting up earlier in the day, which can be arranged for an additional charge.

It’s a good idea to appoint a person (usually the best man) to be the ‘point of contact’ for the band on the evening to handle the practicalities, and to make sure that everyone knows what is happening. This helps free up the bride and groom to mingle with their guests.

A microphone for speeches (including PA) can also be arranged for earlier on in the proceedings, should your venue not already provide these.

If you would like to book live background music call us on 0141 419 9558 for more information. Booking more than one musician or group through us qualifies you for significant discounts.


Remember: the format for your wedding is entirely your own decision, and we will strive to accommodate your wishes.

We’ve given the above guide because we can attest that the above format works exceptionally well, particularly with reference to the evening reception.

Obviously, we want to make sure that your wedding is just how you want it, so please do give us a call and we can discuss your preferences.

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